Swedish Massage and Neck Pain What You Need to Know

Posted by liam in Swedish Massage

Neck pain is something that many of us experience at some point in time. It can be caused by anything from sleeping wrong to long hours spent hunched over a computer screen. One way to combat the potential for neck pain is with Swedish massage, which has been shown to help reduce muscle tension and improve range of motion and strength. In this post, we will discuss what you need to know about Swedish massages, including how it might help your neck pain!

neck pain causes

Neck pain is caused by a variety of sources. These range from muscle strain to poor posture and more severe issues like whiplash or cervical spondylosis. In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes of neck pain in detail so you can pinpoint where your discomfort stems from and how massage therapy may help reduce it. Neck pain is a very common occurrence, so you’re not alone.

-Muscle strain: The muscles in your neck are constantly being used for many tasks, from carrying around a heavy bag to looking down at your phone all day long. As these muscles become strained and sore through overuse or injury, they can cause pain when touched directly or pulled on by something like clothing. Neck pain can also be caused by sleeping. This is a major cause of neck pain in people who sleep on their stomachs.

-Poor posture: Poor posture can also contribute to neck pain, particularly in the upper back and shoulders because these muscles work hard every day to support your head and manage stress. This chronic bad positioning leads to fatigue or injury that may be causing you difficulties right now. If this sounds like it could be the root of your discomfort, we recommend checking out our blog post about The Importance of Good Posture for more information!

-Whiplash: A whiplash injury happens when your body moves abruptly forward due to an impact from behind–often during a car crash–and then returns quickly to its original position with force. These movements are deeply jarring to the neck. In some cases, a whiplash injury can result in chronic pain or even nerve damage that causes numbness and tingling sensations down your arm (called carpal tunnel syndrome).

-Pregnancy: If you’re pregnant, it is possible for pregnancy hormones–which relax connective tissues throughout your body–to cause laxity in ligaments that support the spine. This may lead to stretching of nerves around the spinal cord which creates more discomfort and stiffness in this area. It’s important to talk with a doctor as soon as possible if you begin experiencing symptoms like these!

-Arthritis: Arthritis is another common condition associated with neck pain because it often occurs due to wear and tear on joints and cartilage.

-Cervical Spondylosis: Cervical spondylosis is an abnormality of the spine that results in a narrowing of spinal canal at the levels between vertebrae (called stenosis) which can cause pain, numbness and tingling sensations down your arm due to pressure on nerves. Often times it’s not really known what causes this degeneration but there are certain things you may be able to do like avoid high impact activities or heavy lifting as well modifying positions so that they don’t put too much stress on cervical region – for instance laying back instead of sleeping with head elevated when possible!

Most people who experience neck pain would benefit from chiropractic care, massage therapy, physical rehabilitation care to help them get relief.

Numerous people who experience neck pain say that it’s helped a lot from Swedish massage, the benefits of which include relaxation and stress release as well as improved circulation (which can also provide some pain relief).

Swedish Massage has been found to be very helpful for those with chronic neck pain or those experiencing acute episodes due to muscle spasms in this region. It may not work for everyone but there are really many ways you can try out treatment options so don’t give up if something doesn’t seem to work right away! This is why we always recommend chiropractic care alongside other treatments like physical rehabilitation – these all complement each other nicely and together they offer more potential benefit than just one style treatment alone.

People with neck pain can also benefit from treatments like acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic care to release tension in the muscles.

We hope you found our blog post helpful! If you are suffering from neck pain or any other ailment that is affecting your quality of life and we wish you all the best. and hope Swedish massage is right for you!

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