All About Swedish Massage

Posted by liam in Swedish Massage

What is Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage is a very common type of body manipulation that has been practised in Europe for centuries. It is administered by applying pressure to the soft tissues of the human body, and it helps relax tense muscles. Swedish massage eliminates pain, resulting from injury or disease, promotes healing after physical therapy and enhances circulation.

Currently, there are over 12 types of Swedish Massage that have emerged; however, they all share some similarities including long strokes up and down your back combined with kneading techniques consisting of deep circular motions at specific points on the muscle groups.

Treatments can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on what you’re looking for—stress relief? relaxation? increased flexibility? something else entirely? The choice is yours with this truly flexible massage style.

I have been a massage therapist for over 15 years and I love my profession. This post will cover many different ways massages can help your body, how to get the most out of every session, and which Swedish Massage is right for you no matter what type of ailment or injury you’re experiencing.

Health Benefits of a Swedish Massage

A Swedish massage can do wonders for your health. The deep pressure of the bodywork loosens tight muscles and improves circulation, which in turn helps promote a sense of wellbeing. Deep breathing techniques are also sometimes incorporated into treatments to help release muscle tension from within the entire respiratory system.

The benefits don’t stop there! A regular Swedish Massage is known to improve flexibility as well by breaking down adhesions (or bands) that form between joints due to overuse or injury. This type of massage will give you more mobility with less pain, too—something we could all benefit from no matter our age or activity level! And finally: if you’re looking for relief from stress or anxiety, this style works great for those symptoms

Swedish massage and back pain

back pain is quite a common occurrence for many people.. And a Swedish massage can really help alleviate those symptoms. Without reaching for medicine or invasive procedures, a Swedish massage can work to help relax the muscles in your back.

A regular Swedish Massage is known to improve flexibility as well by breaking down adhesions (or bands) that form between joints due to overuse or injury. This type of massage will give you more mobility with less pain, this is important to promote healing and performance.

So if you’re looking for a natural solution to back pain, look no further because Swedish massage is the answer!

Lymphatic draining and Swedish massage

Lymphatic drainage is one of the most overlooked benefits in a Swedish massage. It’s worth mentioning because it can be so beneficial to many people who suffer from chronic illnesses, which often have an underlying cause of compromised lymphatic function.

A Swedish Massage facilitates the movement of fluid around your body by breaking up adhesions and scar tissue and this is important for overall health and wellbeing.

Swedish massage and pregnancy

Pregnant women often deal with a lot of stress and tension in their bodies. Swedish massage can help to relieve that stress by targeting specific areas where certain muscles are tight or shortened, like across the back, neck, shoulders and hips.

For many pregnant women, these aches and pains only worsen as they get closer to the delivery date and can be quite bad.

This is because they have to carry a growing baby and are often more active than before. All of these things put together can cause aches in muscles that might not normally be sore or tight, like the hips, back and neck. Swedish Massage can help to alleviate many of those pains while also improving circulation which will provide your body with the help it needs in development.

Swedish massage with or without oil

There are two basic types of Swedish Massage. One with and one without using oil. The oils that can be used range from mineral, sunflower seed to olive oils and coconut oils for those who may have specific allergies or skin sensitivities. A massage therapist will usually use a lighter-based oil so they don’t risk burning their partner or inflaming the skin.

is oil used in Swedish massage?

Oil is traditionally used during a Swedish massage but it’s fine if you don’t want your therapist to use it.

Swedish massage for fibromyalgia

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia did you know a Swedish massage could be just what you need? to help relieve some of the body pain and discomfort that you may be experiencing. The massage focuses on relieving muscle tension, increasing the range of motion in joints, boosting circulation to muscles which can lead to increased oxygen levels for your tissues as well as releasing serotonin from the brain which will leave you feeling more relaxed and reducing pain.

Swedish massage and anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety then a Swedish massage may be the answer to your problems. The deep tissue work that is performed during this type of massage has been shown in some studies to lower levels of cortisol and can also help people with PTSD as it creates an environment where many feel safe, nurtured and cared for which are all things we want when we are feeling not at our best.


We hope you find out Swedish massage blog post helpful in feeling yourself again and the wonders that Swedish massage can do!


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